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Singapore | Orchard Road | Eu Tong Sen Street | Tai Seng

Agile Problem Solving

IBF Accredited Programme | P210719PSY 

Generic Skills & Competencies - Problem Solving | Intermediate Level

Core Critical Skill Code: GSC-PRS-1002-1

Agile Problem-Solving in the VUCA economy aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills to think smarter by applying logical inquiry methodologies to common business problems and challenges. 

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Apply critical and synthesis thining skills for problem-solving and innovation.

  • Challenge and re-think ideas to gain a different perspective.

  • Analyse business issues to put forth recommendations and deploy visual techniques to communicate your proposal to stakeholders.


Learners who complete the programme will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Who Should Attend

Individuals and leaders who require problem-solving and information synthesis skills for day-to-day management and leadership.

IBF Accreditation

The IBF Standards are a set of competency standards for developing skills relating to the financial industry. These Standards are developed in partnership with industry leaders and provide a professional development and skills roadmap for financial sector practitioners to excel in their respective job roles. They currently cover 12 industry segments in the financial sector.

Agile Problem-Solving has been accredited under the IBF Standards, and is eligible for funding under the IBF Financial Training Scheme (IBF-FTS), subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

Participants are advised to assess the suitability of the programme and its relevance to their business activities or job roles.

IBF and MAS have enhanced course fee subsidies for locals attending accredited or recognised courses up to 90% for training programmes commencing between 8 Apr 2020 and 31 Dec 2021 (both dates inclusive). This existing scheme will also be expanded to include workers in eligible FinTech firms.

For training programmes commencing between 1 Jan 2022 and 30 Jun 2022 (both dates inclusive), IBF and MAS will fund 80% of direct training cost. Singapore Citizens aged 40 years old and above will be eligible for 90% co-funding of direct training costs.


Thur -Fri 


Thu - Fri


Thu - Fri


9am to 6pm | Singapore
2-Day Programme

Course Fee

After IBF Enhanced Funding

Singapore Citizen &

Singapore Permanent Resident

S$90 Nett


S$90 Nett



Enhanced Funding is valid for all IBF Accredited programmes that commence between 8 April 2020 and 31 December 2021.

Training Allowance Grant

S$160 Nett 

In addition to the IBF subsidies, Financial Institutions are also eligible for a $10/ hour Training Allowance Grant (TAG) per eligible sponsored employee.


NEW! [Courses commencing between  1 July 2021 and 30 Jun 2022.]

Course Fee

S$900.00 Nett

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Eligibility for IBF Funding

IBF Enhanced Funding Support

  • Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF) Enhanced Funding – Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents of all ages are entitled to receive enhance course fee subsidies of 90% for courses commencing between 8 April 2020 and 31 December 2021 (both dates inclusive).

  • 80% subsidy for courses commencing between 1 January 2022 and 30 June 2022 (both dates inclusive).  Singapore Citizens aged 40 years old and above will be eligible for 90% co0funding of direct training costs.

  • Training Allowance Grant for Sponsoring companies* – Companies will receive $10 per training and assessment hour upon participant’s successful completion and passing of the assessment for courses commencing between 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 (both dates inclusive).  [Refer below on Company-sponsored Individuals]

Self-sponsored Individuals

  • Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents, physically residing in Singapore.

  • Participant has to complete at least 75% attendance and pass all relevant assessments. 

  • GEA reserves the right to recover the funded amount from the participant if the eligibility criteria is/ are not met.  

Company-sponsored Individuals

  • Company* must be Singapore-based financial Institutions regulated by MAS (licensed or exempt from licensing by MAS).

  • FinTech firms certified by Singapore FinTech Association.

  • Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents physically based in Singapore

  • Courses commencing between 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 (both dates inclusive).

  • Participant has to complete 75% attendance and pass all relevant assessments commencing between 8 April 2020 and 31 December 2021, and completed no later than 30 September 2022.

  • Training Allowance Grant (TAG) will be disbursed to the eligible sponsoring company* upon the participants' successful completion of the FTS programme including fulfilling the minimum attendance requirements and passing relevance assessments. 

  • Eligible company-sponsored participants will be able to clock CPD hours upon successful course completion. 

  • SkillsFuture Credit cannot be used to co-fund the programme fees of company-sponsored training programmes.

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